Message from the Coordinator

Message from the Coordinator, IQAC


Dr. Pankaj Luchan Gogoi

IQAC is part and parcel of a college and is instrumental to maintaining its overall records viz., administrative, academic and non- academic records. Besides, it envisions key-programmes for the college and serves as a divining force to sustain endeavors towards their materialization at substantive level. I feel extremely happy and privileged to be the Coordinator of IQAC of our college, and feel fortunate to have a visionary Governing Body Chairman Mr. Lakhinandan Gogoi, Retired Civil Servant, as the Chief Advisor and dynamic Principal Dr. Sanjita Chetia, as the Chairperson of IQAC. Moreover, I must acknowledge the promptness and ingenuousness of our ever supporting teaching and non-teaching staff. Everyone of our college family is a stakeholder to its well-being and benchmark-creating activities. Ii is believed with conviction that sincere and concerted efforts of all will boost the functioning of our IQAC and will pave the way for our accomplishments and glory.